Kubernetes Applications in Industries
Let’s Know about Kubernetes
First let us know what is Kubernetes basically. Kubernetes is a Container orchestration tool. Um…Now what is an orchestration tool🤔. Well well well, why don’t we find out then. I hope you know about containers. Basically containers are tools that helps us create an isolated environment that shares resources and some services with the host system itself. This is the reason why Containers are faster. They aren’t anything like Virtual machines that create each and every process and run it whenever we want to turn on the power. So that is about containers that can be enough to start with Orchestration tools.
Now when we work with containers, it is easy to manage it manually but when it comes to automating processes, it gets complicated. For example, when you want to launch an app with famous stacks you love to work with like the famous MERN stack. Now we need to run a database container which has MongoDB running and also an API server like Node.js and use Express as middleware to make it easier. Now we need a Frontend to our app. Now, you can launch with the server of API with node.js or create a new container too. After this the app will be launched after doing some connectivity. Now the issue comes when you have this app in production server.
But one container may not be able to handle the load of all the requests. So what could be the solution? Um….How about creating multiple apps and balancing the load. That sounds like a lot of work to do.
This is where Kubernetes comes into the picture. Kubernetes has the ability to create multiple container instances of the app and all we need to do is to just provide how many instances we need…Or maybe not. Kubernetes also has the ability to auto scale and this means the number of containers increase and decrease based on the load we get.
So now you know what Kubernetes is and what it can. So let’s dive into how the industries are using them.
Nokia’s use of Kubernetes
So Nokia had a challenge of their software. They wanted to deploy their software in multiple kind of clouds like VMWare cloud and OpenStack cloud and for the deployment to be easy, it is good to have cloud independent way to deploy and manage their software. This is where Kubernetes is good at. Because Kubernetes is a software independent of cloud and this makes it easy to be deployed in any cloud. Also many clouds provide Kubernetes service that makes it easier to launch Kubernetes cluster that can be easily scaled.
Bose’s use of Kubernetes
I guess every one know about Bose. You may be even listening to a song while reading this article with Bose. Bose wanted to test their IoT devices and they want to do it rapidly. What could be more rapid than containers?. So they tired some options of orchestration tools and they choose Kubernetes to work with.
OpenAI’s use of Kubernetes
OpenAI is a high end research Lab for Artificial Intelligence as the name suggests. So OpenAI want to run their deep learning models on public cloud and their own data centers but also have low latency, portability and resource efficient. They first launched their Cluster in AWS but later shifted to AZURE. They have an auto scaler running on their nodes which helps them to lower the costs and make it more profitable to use cloud of AZURE or their own data centers.
As you can see, Kubernetes has been useful many different companies with different challenges and due to its portability and ease of use due to availability of services in most of the clouds and speed and efficiency with the containers use of low memory and processes compared to Virtual Machines, Orchestration tools are very useful and Kubernetes made all these features possible in an efficient way.
That’s it for now and hope you have enjoyed the article and found it useful.
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